
Teen who climbed World Trade Center recieves no-jail sentence

He climbed to the top of 1 World Trade Center — and now young Justin Casquejo has finally climbed out of trouble.

“The court is impressed by your sincerity and remorsefulness,” Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Felicia Mennin said as she closed the file on the New Jersey 16-year-old’s case through the formality of issuing him a no-jail sentence.

Casquejo has already completed the required 23 days of community service for the nervy stunt, in which he climbed through a security fence, snuck past guards and scaled a series of ladders, scaffolds and stairs to reach the top last March.

In a feat that exposed huge security issues at the potential terror target, the ​teen ​daredevil spent two hours on top of the tower, only to be caught by a guard when he got back down.

Just a week later, three men were busted for scaling the building and skydiving down.

As part of a prior plea deal, Casquejo also completed two youth counseling sessions and wrote ​​a 1,200-word essay on the consequences and risks of the stunt. As a bonus, the kid also completed six extra days of community service.

The much-chastised Casquejo wore a black suit to court, stood hunched and grim-faced before the judge, and did not respond to questions from reporters.