US News

Cameron wants to seize passports of suspected British jihadists

Declaring that “adhering to British values is not an option or a choice,” UK Prime Minister David Cameron is proposing to seize the passports of British citizens who travel abroad to aid terrorists.

Cameron called for stricter anti-terrorism laws Monday — including one that would temporarily allow police to confiscate passports of suspected British jihadists going to take up arms alongside Islamic militants.

“Passports are not an automatic right,” Cameron told the House of Commons.

“We will introduce specific and targeted legislation … providing the police with a temporary power to seize a passport at the border during which time they will be able to investigate the individual concerned.”

Cameron also announced his government will consider “specific and discretionary” powers that would prevent British terrorist suspects from returning to the UK.

He said it’s “abhorrent” that citizens have “declared their allegiance” to violent terrorist groups like the Islamic State.

“We are clear in principle that what we need is a targeted, discretionary power to allow us to exclude British nationals from the UK,” he told parliament.

Under the new legislation, suspected terrorists could be forced to relocate to different parts of the country and enroll in de-radicalization programs. Cameron also said he would beef up the government’s powers to monitor terrorist suspects.

“Adhering to British values is not an option or a choice. It is a duty for all those who live in these islands,” he said.

Cameron’s announcement comes a few days after Britain escalated its terrorist threat level from “substantial” to “severe,” signifying that a terrorist attack is “highly likely.”

The British leader’s approach stood in stark contrast to President Obama, who has faced intense criticism for admitting last week that “we don’t have a strategy yet” for dealing with the Islamic State in Syria.

“As our strategy develops, we will consult with Congress,” Obama said.

At least 500 British nationals have fled their home country to fight in bloody conflicts in Iraq and Syria alongside extremist groups.

Several Western countries — including France, Germany and the US — have also been troubled by radicalized citizens taking up the Islamic State’s cause.

More than 700 French and 320 German citizens have left their respective countries to train and fight in Syria’s civil war, according to The Soufan Group. Another 250 Belgian and 120 Dutch citizens have done the same.

More than 100 Americans have been seduced by the violence abroad and joined up with the Islamic State — though American authorities have yet to outline specific ways they intend to combat the alarming trend.

Meanwhile, the United Nations Human Rights Council agreed Monday to send investigators to Iraq to probe war crimes committed by the Islamic terrorists.