
Brutally beaten shelter staffer gets $13M

A Brooklyn judge ordered a troubled security firm to shell out a whopping $13 million to a seriously injured homeless-shelter employee for failing to protect her from a manic resident.

Valerie Lewis was 43 when she was attacked in the Tillary Street Women’s Shelter on Oct. 9, 2009, after employees from FJC Security Services allowed an ejected homeless woman back in.

The brutal attack left Lewis with serious spinal injuries that will call for continuous treatment, said her lawyer, Marc Freund.

“For the rest of her life, Valerie will rely on a spinal-cord-stimulator implant, a pacemaker for pain, to achieve some degree of quality of life,” said Freund.

A jury found FJC 98 percent at fault.

The security firm was fired by the Port Authority in July 2013 after The Post exposed several on-duty guards dozing off at JFK Airport.