US News

Something’s fishy: 33% of seafood sold in US mislabeled, FDA report

Think you know exactly what fish you’re eating when you order sushi? Think again.

The ocean conservation group Oceana found through DNA testing that one-third of the nation’s seafood is mislabeled, according to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines.

From 2010 to 2012, researchers from the group gathered 1,215 seafood samples from 674 retail outlets in 21 states. Of the samples, 33 percent were labeled inaccurately.

Products sold as snapper and tuna were mislabeled at the highest rates – 87 percent and 59 percent, respectively. Of the 120 samples of “red snapper” tested in the study, only seven were actually red snapper, while the other 113 samples were another fish entirely.

The researchers found that seafood fraud was likely across the country, but the problem was even more significant in Austin, Houston and Boston, where almost half of the fish were mislabeled. In Southern California, the issue was even more widespread, with rates of mislabeling reaching 52 percent.

Read more at Fox News.