
It’s crime all the time at Zuccotti Park

Tent City is becoming Camp Crime.

Occupy Wall Street squatters at Zuccotti Park have been busted in recent weeks for incidents ranging from petty thefts to menacing threats and from low-life drug sales to sicko sex attacks, law-enforcement sources told The Post.

The complaints have been a near-daily phenomena since Oct. 11, just about three weeks after a few dozen anti-greed activists began occupying the private park.

“There’s been a spike in crime the last few weeks,” one law-enforcement source said, noting the increasing number of protesters camping out in sleeping bags and tents who are easy prey for criminals.

It’s unclear what sparked the spike, cops said — the influx of people as the OWS demonstrations gained traction or fed-up protesters overcoming their resistance to reporting crimes.

Among the most violent episodes are three alleged sex attacks, sources said, that weren’t reported to cops for days.

The sources also detailed other troubling instances of violence, including an Oct. 25 bust of Hasan Castillo, 23, of East Orange, NJ, for allegedly intimidating a witness who reported drug-sales activity to cops.

His arrest came three days after Garfield Leslie, 19, of Brooklyn, allegedly tried to peddle drugs to three women and then socked one when she rebuffed the offer. He was charged with assault.

The sources also revealed:

* The arrest of Dustin Taylor, 34, of Ohio, on Oct. 28 for allegedly threatening to stab a reporter with a ball-point pen.

* The Oct. 12 assault arrest of a protester from California for allegedly pushing and hitting cops while screaming: “I’m a lawyer! I’m going to f–king sue!”

* The Oct. 13 bust of a New Jersey man for harassment after he allegedly spit in the face of a man taking pictures.

* The Oct. 14 resisting-arrest complaint against a Staten Island protester who tossed trash at cops.