
Egos getting in way of NBA labor deal

They were all there — except for Carmelo Anthony who left early, possibly because he wanted a deal two weeks ago. Forty-two players strong surrounded union director Billy Hunter and union president Derek Fisher at last night’s press conference in midtown.

This was the players’ show of solidarity. The players would not cave to David Stern’s Wednesday ultimatum, would not listen to his message they act “rational.”

When Hunter was asked if the meeting brought them closer to a deal, he said, “We’re closer as a unit.’’ And everybody in the room laughed — a buzz that continued during the remaining questions.

These players should be on their teams now, have always been at this stage of November. So yesterday they formed their own team in a hotel conference room — one last attempt to stay united before the spit hits the fan at 5 tonight and decertification becomes an option.

This has become all about giant egos, not giant issues. Will the season really get killed over luxury-tax penalties? Most of the players probably never realized how the luxury tax even worked in the old CBA.

But NBA players are so competitive, they don’t want to lose at anything. According to a person involved in the process, the owners have played it wrong in challenging the players — unless it is their intent not to have a deal. Which it may be.

Last month, during the first federal mediation, Chris Paul got overheated when San Antonio owner Peter Holt said of their revenue-split 50-50 offer, “Take it or leave it.’’

Paul shouted back several times: “Take it or leave it?’’ The union left it.

This deadlock is too much about who has given up more in concessions, who is winning, who is losing. In the end, everyone loses if Stern doesn’t budge today, takes the current offer off the table and replaces it with one that looks similar to the one on the table on July 1 — when this lockout nonsense began.

Stern’s “be rational’’ message from Monday was the wrong one to send NBA players — most of them who’ve spent their lives as silent assassins on the basketball court. They do not like to be pushed around in any court.

Fisher and Hunter said they are willing to compromise today on the revenue split as long as the owners compromise on the system issues. Fisher said the union has made “unprecedented’’ concessions on the revenue, going from 57 percent to 51 percent Saturday night and now read to slide to 50-50 today.

Maybe it’s not fair, but there are no genuine concerns about their livelihood. Million-dollar contracts will still be guaranteed. The players are wealthy enough to withstand the system issues. Union negotiator Jeff Kessler went too far yesterday, telling The Washington Post Stern has treated the players “like plantation workers.’’

Stern shot back Kessler is “the most divisive force’’ in the negotiations. Hunter and Kessler do not want to lose at anything to Stern after all these years and battles.

“We know the group of teams dug in,’’ Hunter said. “We know where the hard-liners are. We understand their position, but understand we’re not intimidated by all that.’’

Hunter and Fisher were unwise taking digs at new hard-liner Michael Jordan yesterday — digs that won’t help. Hunter said Jordan should do as he once told Abe Pollin to do — sell the team if he can’t afford it.

Fisher chimed in, “We don’t see eye to eye. It’s interesting several former players who quickly change their tune when done playing, when you think of how much income they were able to earn as NBA players.’’

The sides are close enough for a deal. We all know the players have bent to get there. It’s a recession. The small-market owners want it all, maybe because they need it all.

The players will bend one more time today, but probably not enough to make a deal that saves the season.