US News

WATCH: Casey Anthony speaks out in video diary, doesn’t mention daughter

TAMPA, Fla. — For the first time, it seems Casey Anthony might be speaking out.

The mother acquitted of charges of killing her two-year-old daughter, Caylee, allegedly appears on a video diary that surfaced on the web Thursday morning.

The woman, who looks and sounds like Anthony, talks only in general about her well-being and references being kept in an undisclosed location. NBC News reported that they confirmed the video was of Anthony.

In the video, the woman, who is sporting a short, blonde, bobbed hairstyle and is wearing glasses, says she has a new computer and will be posting video diaries.

The video, which was created Oct. 13, was aired on “Good Morning America” and the “Today” show on Thursday morning.

On YouTube, it had only 33 views early Thursday.

It first appeared on a website called, the Orlando Sentinel reported Thursday.

In the video, Anthony continuously alludes to being kept in a location, but she never says where she is.

“Even if I get off probation early, I’ll still be here at least until February — end of February, seven months, March, my birthday,” she says.

She said she has adopted a dog and that “a lot has changed” in her life since the trial.

“I just hope things stay good, and they only get better,” she says.

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