
Queens mom praises release of teacher data

Queens mom Christina, whose son is a third-grader, wrote this letter to The Post yesterday praising the release of the teacher data. She declined to identify the school or teacher to protect her son.

I think it’s FANTASTIC that the teachers are being graded publicly!

This in a way vindicates myself and several other parents who are growing concerned over [our children’s teacher’s] teaching abilities. She has little control over her classroom and many assignments do not get checked. If you have a problem and send a note, it never gets a response.

If there are bullying issues (mind you, this school claims they are anti-bullying) you have to send numerous letters and phone calls not only to the teacher, but to the PTC as well. If you’re lucky you’ll get someone to call you back. They always conveniently are “in a meeting” or “out for the day.”


My son has a mild form of Asperger’s (a very high functioning form of autism), as well as ADD. He scores very high marks on tests (including midterms), and is above average in his reading level, and excels in math.

Most children on that end of the spectrum are very intelligent, and can run rings around most of the other kids scholastically. But when stuck with an educator who is subpar, they are the ones to suffer. There are a few children in this class with ADD. This is a mainstream class, and the one thing we as parents of these children are told is imperative for their success is “structure.”

They need that in the environment and atmosphere in the classroom. Another third-grade teacher, who obviously has that ability, scored very high in both math and reading, according to your paper. Not a surprise to me. You can just look at her demeanor, and the class behavior, and it is evident she is a good teacher.

My son’s teacher comes across like she can’t be bothered. Another mother approached me the day before mid-winter break asking how I feel about her and how my son is performing in her class. She’s not the first one I’ve had gauge my feelings on this teacher. We are getting together this week as a matter of fact, to discuss this issue. What, if anything, we can do about it remains to be seen.

The principals should be graded and published as well. Our school’s principal is not liked at all by the parents. She is more concerned with her numbers and “look at my bright and shining school,” as one teacher confided in me last year.

It is high time the educators are put on the spot. Their abilities and experience have everything to do with the quality of education our children receive.

Our children are their responsibility for

6 1⁄2 hours a day. The kids are the reason they have a career, and if they can’t be bothered, perhaps they should choose another profession.

I thank your paper for doing this.