
Bodega bouquets for Huma


Anthony Weiner thinks 23 bucks’ worth of bodega blossoms will make love bloom again for his humiliated wife.

The disgraced former congressman was spotted outside his Queens home yesterday toting a bouquet of cheap flowers for Huma Abedin, his pregnant spouse who endured weeks of lurid revelations about her husband’s sexting. He spent a whopping $22.97 on them at a bodega, according to the iPad publication The Daily.

But the gesture won’t work, experts told The Post.


“It’s ridiculous, and it could make her angrier,” said Elayne Rapping, a professor of American Studies at SUNY Buffalo. “He knows there are photographers and reporters outside of his house. He could have easily called up a florist and had flowers delivered to her — this seems to be more of a gesture for the press than for her. A way of him saying, ‘I’m being a good husband.’ ”

A clerk at the ritzy Madison Avenue Florists identified Weiner’s peace offering as orange roses, white carnations and blue agapanthuses — and added that they’re a lame way to say, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s ill-conceived,” the clerk said. “Carnations are not really popular among women these days — and orange roses? He should have stuck to red.”

The worker speculated that Weiner picked the colors for a deeper meaning. “Maybe he did some reading up on the Internet. Because each type of those flowers represents love,” he said. “But orange, white and blue?

“No! No! No!”