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Dueling Minnesotans! Tim & Michele in debate brawl


WASHINGTON — Two Minnesota Republicans pummeled each other at a presidential debate last night, while off stage, Texas Gov. Rick Perry all but jumped into the race.

Tea Party favorite Rep. Michele Bachmann and former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty traded some of the nastiest shots of the campaign so far as they squared off in Ames, Iowa, site of a straw poll tomorrow.

“It’s an undisputed fact that in Congress, her record of accomplishment and results is nonexistent,” Pawlenty said.

Bachmann then rattled off Pawlenty policies she cast as capitulations, including a state “cap and trade” plan and a health “individual mandate.”

“You said the era of small government is over,” Bachmann told Pawlenty.

“That sounds a lot like Barack Obama, if you ask me.”

Pawlenty countered, “She says she’s got a titanium spine. It’s not her spine we’re worried about, it’s her record of results.

“If that’s your view of effective leadership with results, please stop because you’re killing us,” he riffed.

Bachmann countered, “When others ran, I fought, and I voted against increasing the debt ceiling.”

The fireworks overshadowed the six other candidates on the stage, including presumed front-runner Mitt Romney, during the debate, sponsored by Fox News, the Washington Examiner and the Iowa Republican Party.

“Look, I’m not going to eat Barack Obama’s dog food,” Romney, a former governor of Massachusetts, said when asked whether he would have vetoed the debt deal.

“What he served up is not what I would’ve done if I were president of the United States.”

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich savaged the “super committee” established by the budget deal for spending cuts.

“Get rid of this secret, phony business,” he urged.

A spokesman yesterday confirmed that Perry would officially declare his candidacy in a major address tomorrow. And, though, not in attendance last night, Perry was the target of shots from his rivals.

“We all need prayers, and I hope he offers up a lot for everyone on this stage,” quipped Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, referring to Perry’s recent prayer meeting.

Addressing President Obama, Bachmann said, “You are finished in 2012, and you will be a one-term president.”