
Chill factor

Most popular songs

1. She Will, Lil Wayne

2. Moves Like Jagger, Maroon 5

3. Pumped Up Kicks, Foster The People

4. Party Rock Anthem, LMFAO

5. Last Friday Night (TGIF), Katy Perry

6. Lighters, Bad Meets Evil

7. How to Love, Lil Wayne

8. Super Bass, Nick Minaj

9. Tonight Tonight, Hot Chelle Rae

10. Good Life, OneRepublic


TiVo favorites

1. Big Brother, Sun.

2. Big Brother, Wed.

3. America’s Got Talent

4. NBC Nightly News, Tues.

5. Big Brother, Thu.

Top video downloads

1. Portal: No Escape

2. iPhone concept features

3. Inside Kim’s wedding

4. Lil Wayne’s

5. “How to Love”

6. Marriage makes you fat

Source: YouTube

Google trends

1. MTA service suspended

2. Ocean City, NJ

3. Hoboken

4. Chesapeake Bay bridge

5. Fantasy football rankings

Searches that have increased significantly.

NY Post hot topics

1. Chelsea booted from toilet

2. Buffett’s “steal” of BofA

3. Clash of political cultures

4. Sheen dream

5. Tom Cruise’s “danger zone”