

Cy the Cynic expects the worst and is seldom disappointed.

“I’m retiring from team matches,” Cy told me.

“Again?” I asked mildly.

“The odds are no good. I’m at the mercy of four opponents and three teammates. Someone is sure to sabotage me. At least in a Chicago game the odds against me are only 3-to-1.”

“I think you’re in the grip of paranoia,” I said.

“That doesn’t mean people aren’t out to get me,” the Cynic grunted.

Cy had been today’s West in a team match. “At my table I led a spade against 3NT,” he said, “and South led a diamond to his queen at Trick Two. I won, and we took four spades for down one. Wouldn’t you expect a gain?”

I had to admit I would. South should test the clubs by taking the ace, king and queen. If clubs broke 4-2, South would finesse in diamonds, but when they break 3-3, his fourth club is good for the ninth trick. “What happened at the other table?”

“My teammates got to six diamonds,” Cy said morosely. “Over South’s 2NT, North bid three diamonds. South cue-bid three hearts next, North tried three spades and South leaped to slam.”

“Well bid,” I said.

“Yes,” Cy said grimly. “But declarer won East’s club lead in his hand and led a trump to the queen. He lost two trumps and went down one for a tie.”

Between the points Cy’s partners/teammates toss away and those he loses himself, his chances are not good. At six diamonds North must start the trumps by taking the ace — a safety play in case West has the singleton king.