
It’s Spitzer vs. Schneiderman

In a puzzling meltdown of protocol, Eliot Spitzer declared war on Attorney General Eric Schneiderman yesterday, claiming he may lack top-notch litigation skills.

Spitzer’s fury erupted when he was interviewed for a story about a legal battle that ended with a judge ordering the release of the former AG’s private e-mails.

Spitzer, according to a story in the New York Law Journal, feels Schneiderman should have put up a tougher defense to keep his private e-mails out of public view.

Spitzer fumed he’s “substantially disappointed” Schneiderman didn’t mount protest litigation to block the e-mail disclosure order.

Spitzer said the judge who ordered the release of private e-mails sent while he was AG based his order on a “ridiculous fact.”

For the order “to go uncontested is just poor litigation and makes me wonder about the skills with which (Schneiderman is) handling other cases these days,” Spitzer said.”

Schneiderman’s office said it doesn’t represent Spitzer.

The e-mails are part of a lawsuit by former AIG chief Hank Greenberg to toss all litigation brought against him by Spitzer in 2005.