
In my library: Chesley ‘Sully’ Sullenberger

He says he’s stopped reliving the world’s most famous landing, but “Sully” Sullenberger — a k a “Captain Cool,” who successfully ditched his disabled plane in the Hudson — remains a shining example of grace under pressure. Since turning in his wings two years ago, he’s been a safety consultant, speaker and writer. His new book, “Making a Difference,” shines a light on America’s leaders — folks like Lt. Col. Tammy Duckworth, who lost both legs when shot down in Iraq. “I never saw combat during my military service,” Sully writes, “but I sometimes ask myself how I would have performed under such intense, life-and-death conditions.” We’re guessing he’d have done nobly. Here, in time for Memorial Day, is what’s in this American’s library.

The Price of Civilization

by Jeffrey Sachs

I often talk about how I got certain important values from my parents’ generation. In WWII, even those who weren’t serving in the armed forces were affected by rationing and other sacrifices. Today we have the luxury of thinking about duty as an abstraction. Sachs talks about the responsibility each of us has to make this civilization work.

Retirement Heist

by Ellen Schultz

Having been on the receiving end when our pensions at US Airways were terminated, I was shocked at how virtually every major American company was able to raid pensions, even those that were fully funded. People went out of their way to steal from people. This book is an indictment of our entire retirement system.

The Art of Happiness

by Dalai Lama and Dr. Howard Cutler

I’m not big on self-help books, but I’m always looking for a way to be a better father, a better husband, a better person. This book combines Asian philosophy with Western science to explain how the brain works, and how you can make yourself a less self-centered person.

The Demon-Haunted World

by Carl Sagan

We live in a world where technological change is so rapid that unless you’re curious, it’s hard to keep up. What Carl Sagan tries to do is make science interesting and relevant. It’s a civic duty to be scientifically literate. Whether it’s about climate change or food additives, we have the responsibility to be informed consumers. If we all read a good newspaper each week, it would be a start.