
Healthy premium assist due 1.5M NYers

About 1.5 million state residents will be eligible to receive federal tax credits to help finance their health-insurance coverage next year under ObamaCare, according to report released yesterday.

New York City residents account for about half of those eligible for the subsidy — 736,940, the Families USA study said.

A majority of the families eligible for the premium tax credit include workers who are not eligible for Medicaid but are uninsured or under-insured, the consumer-advocacy group said.

Families of four with annual incomes between $47,100 and $94,200 will make up about 61 percent of those eligible for the tax credits under the Affordable Care Act, the report said.

The tax credit applies on a sliding scale, with those making less getting a bigger subsidy for medical coverage.

The consumers can use the tax credit when shopping around for medical coverage from private insurers through the new state-regulated Health Exchange.

A family of four with two adults and two children under 18 with an annual income of $35,300 would wind up paying only $1,400 a year for a policy costing $12,500.

Queens has the most eligible residents, with 233,640.