
4th Grade


Children will use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve word problems, tackling measurement of volume, mass, and time. Students will learn more about fractions—creating equal fractions, comparing the size of fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, and multiplying fractions by whole numbers. They will also start to understand the relationship between fractions and decimals.

In English, students will read more challenging literature, articles, and other texts, building their vocabulary. They will be expected to explain what they have read by referring to details or information from the text. In writing, students will organize their ideas and develop topics with reasons, facts, details, and other information.


Place value

* Use place-value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place

* Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right

* Use place value to find the product of two multi-digit numbers

* Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digit in each place, using the symbols > (more than), = (equal to), and < (less than)







To find the area of this rectangle, students can first break it down into three parts. The length of each part can then be multiplied by the width of 18.

18(600+40+9) = 18×600+18×40+18×9.

Students use the concepts of area and place value as strategies to multiply multi-digit numbers.

Students learn that 649 x 18 is also equal to (649 x 10) + (649 x 8).


* Break down a fraction into smaller fractions with the same denominator, or bottom number, in more than one way

(3⁄8 = 1⁄8+1⁄8+1⁄8 =2⁄8 +1⁄8)

* Explain why a fraction is equal to another fraction

* Add and subtract mixed numbers (whole numbers mixed with fractions, such as 1 1⁄5) with the same denominators

* Multiply a fraction by a whole number

Students will use the number line to break fractions into smaller fractions and to show that 2⁄6=1⁄3 Sample task: Chocolate bar fractions Part 1 John is giving out chocolate to his friends. If he wants to give each friend 2⁄3 of a chocolate bar and he has 13 friends, how many chocolate bars will he need to buy? Use words, a model, or an equation to justify your answer.

Part 2

William buys 4 chocolate bars and each bar weighs 1⁄4 pound. Mary buys 2 chocolate bars and each one weighs 1⁄2 pound. William claims that the chocolate weighs the same amount. Mary disagrees. Who is correct? Use a model and words to justify your answer.

Help children outside school

1. Use everyday objects to allow your child to explore the concept of fractions. For example: Use measuring cups so students see how many times you have to refill a 1⁄4 cup to equal a 1⁄2 cup or how many 1⁄3’s are in two cups. Have students describe two fractions that are equal by using a measuring cup (filling a 1⁄4 measuring cup twice is the same as filling one 1⁄2 measuring cup).

2. Have your child write or describe fractions in different ways. For example: What are some different ways to make 3⁄4? Answers could include 1⁄4+1⁄4+1⁄4 or 3x 1⁄4 3. Ask your child to create and describe equal fractions. For example: Have students take a sheet of paper, fold the paper in half, and then unfold and shade 1⁄2. Then have students take the same sheet of paper and fold the paper in a half again. Unfold the paper and have students discuss the number of parts that are now shaded. Encourage your child to talk about ways to show that 1⁄2 = 2⁄4. (Students may continue this process by creating other equal fractions.)


Reading literature

* Determine the theme of a story, play, or poem from details in the text and summarize the text.

* Compare and contrast the points of view from which different stories are told; know the difference between first- and third-person accounts.

Reading for information

* Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

* Interpret information in charts, graphs, or other visual sources of information; explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text.


* Introduce a topic clearly and develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information.

* Give a concluding statement or section related to the information or explanation presented.

* Group related information in paragraphs and sections and use formatting (such as headings), illustrations, and multimedia when useful.

* Link ideas within categories of information, using words and phrases (such as another, also, and because).

* Use precise language and subject-specific vocabulary.

Sample task:

* Read texts including:

“All in a Day’s Work,” by Judith Pinkerton Josephson; “Seeing is Believing,” by Mary Morton Cowan Today; “Child Labor,” by Human Rights Watch; “Children and the Global Sweatshop,” from Albion Monitor

* Write an opinion piece explaining why you would or would not buy products made with child labor. The essay should:

a. Introduce the topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose.

b. Give reasons supported by facts and details.

c. Link opinion and reasons, using words and phrases (e.g., for instance, in order to, in addition).

d. Give a concluding statement or section on the opinion presented.


Chocolate bar fractions, Part 1: 9

Part 2: William