
6th Grade


In math, your child will learn the concept of rates and ratios and use these tools to solve word problems. Students will work on dividing multi-digit whole numbers and adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing multi-digit decimals. Students will extend their prior work with fractions and decimals to understand the concept of rational numbers — any number that can be made by dividing one integer by another, such as 1/2, 0.75, or 2. Students will also learn how to write and solve equations—mathematical statements using symbols, such as 20+x = 35 — and apply these skills in solving multi-step word problems.

In English, students will read a range of challenging books, articles, and texts, and be expected to demonstrate their understanding of the material by answering questions and contributing to class discussions. In writing, students will continue to work on their use of language, sentence structure, and organization of ideas. They will also be expected to integrate information from different sources and to use writing to interpret and analyze.



* Divide fractions by fractions using models and equations to represent the problem

* Solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions Sample problem:

Ann has 3 1⁄2 lbs of peanuts for the party. She wants to put them in small bags, each containing

1⁄2 lb. How many small bags of peanuts will she have?

Students use their knowledge of fractions to see that there are 7 halves in 3 1⁄2 lbs, so there will be 7 bags of peanuts

Students can also find how many halves are in 3 1⁄2 by applying the traditional procedure of dividing 3 1⁄2 by 1⁄2.

3 1⁄2 = 7⁄2

7⁄2 ÷ 1⁄2 = 7⁄2 x 2⁄1 = 14⁄2 = 7

Ratios and proportions

* Understand the concept of a ratio and use the correct language to describe it

* Understand the concept of a unit rate (the rate per unit, or a ratio with a denominator of 1) and use the correct language to describe it

* Use ratio and rates to solve real-world problems.

Sample problem:

A slime mixture is made by mixing glue and liquid laundry starch in a ratio of 3 to 2. How much glue and how much starch are needed to make 90 cups of slime?

Using knowledge of ratios and proportions, students see that if each cup of slime is made up of 3 parts glue and 2 parts starch, there are 5 parts in each cup. They can then compute the quantity of one, two, and three parts of 90 cups to determine the exact amounts of glue and starch needed.

Sample Task: Algebraic expressions

Kayla’s cellphone plan has a fixed fee of $45 per month plus $0.10 per text message. Kayla’s mom said she would take away the phone if she spent more than $60 on her phone service this month.

a) Write an expression that can be used to represent Kayla’s cellphone plan.

Expression _____________________

b) Write an inequality to represent the number of text messages that Kayla can send or receive to stay within her budget and keep her phone.

Inequality ______________________________

c) Kayla’s mom says that Kayla can send 150 texts before going over the $60. Is Kayla’s mom correct? Justify your answer using mathematical reasoning, and show how many texts Kayla can send on the number line below.

Help kids learn outside school:

1. Ask your child to calculate the unit rates of items purchased from the grocery store. For example, if 2 pounds of flour cost $3.00, how much does flour cost per pound?

2. Have your child determine the amount of ingredients needed when cooking. For example, if a recipe calls for 8 cups of rice to serve 4 people, how many cups of rice do you need to serve 6 people?


Reading literature

* Determine the theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details. Students also provide an objective summary of the text.

* Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.

Reading for information

* Cite evidence from the text to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

* Integrate information presented in different media or formats (such as visually or through numbers) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.


* Introduce a topic and develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information.

* Give a concluding statement or section that follows from the information or explanation presented.

* Organize ideas, concepts, and information using such strategies as definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect.

* Use transitions to clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts.

* Use precise language and subject-specific vocabulary.

Sample task: Can animals think?

Students read a lengthy 1999 Time magazine article by Eugene Linden on animal intelligence, “Can Animals Think?”

The assignment:

Write an essay in which you explain how Linden develops his point of view on the question, “Can animals think?” Begin by introducing and explaining Linden’s point of view. Then explain how Linden develops that point of view from the beginning through the middle and to the end of the article. Cite relevant textual evidence to support your analysis of Linden’s point of view.

End your essay with a statement that follows from the information you presented on how Linden developed his point of view. Your essay should be written in a formal style for an audience familiar with the text and follow the conventions of standard English, including accepted use of capitalization, comma usage, and spelling


Kayla’s Texts:

a) 0.10t + 45

b) 0.10t + 45 ≤ 60

c) Kayla’s mom is correct