
NYU’s institutional cowardice

The Issue: NYU’s decision to oust Chen Guangcheng, the blind Chinese activist.


It is an ominous development that should be continually highlighted and documented (“NYU Torches a Hero,” Steve Mosher, PostScript, June 16).

Blind dissident Chen Guangcheng was quoted in the LA Times as saying that Americans are not aware of how many inroads China has already made into academia at US universities.

Hats off to Steve Mosher, and keep it up.

Ultimately, these universities will become prisoners of China in the sense of being subservient to Chinese goals and policies in exchange for a few dollars.

If their faculties don’t stand up to this, it will fall to the students to do so, besides the hit to the universities’ own academic reputations that will occur over time.

Lee Marshall

Los Angeles

It is discouraging that Chen has been asked to leave NYU as the result of pressure on the university from China.

It is sad that self-interest has triumphed over human rights.

Kenneth Zimmerman

Huntington Beach, Calif.

What is being done to Chen and NYU is a sign of China’s weakness, not its strength.

Strong nations do not maneuver internationally through bribery and deceit — they don’t have to.John Tierney

Red Lion, Pa.