
Chill factor

Jill Kelley

Jill Kelley (AP)

Most popular songs

1. Thrift Shop, Macklemore, Ryan Lewis

2. Scream And Shout,

3. I Knew You Were Trouble, Taylor Swift

4. Ho Hey, The Lumineers

5. Locked Out of Heaven, Bruno Mars

6. Don’t You Worry Child, Swedish House Mafia

7. Love Me, Lil Wayne

8. When I Was Your Man, Bruno Mars

9. Gangnam Style, PSY

10. Beauty and a Beat, Justin Bieber

Tivo favorites

1. Super Bowl

2. Elementary

3. Kickoff Show

4. The Big Bang Theory

5. Modern Family

Top video downloads

1. Beyoncé halftime show

2. Red hot nickel ball on ice

3. Flipping the bird to the judge update

4. Unbelievable little kid does trick shot video

5. Accordion pickle adventures

Google trends

1. Kate Upton

2. Lindsey Vonn

3. Weather

4. Christopher Dorner

5. Side effects

NY Post hot topics

1. Piazza: sex, ’riods and Roger

2. Dan Marino’s baby momma

3. Taylor Swift: the ultimate player

4. Jill Kelley’s kin strike back

5. Paterno family challenges FBI