US News

Flynn’s son, who pushed phony Pizzagate, blames dad’s downfall on ‘disinformation campaign’

Michael Flynn’s son is blaming a “disinformation campaign” for bringing down his father, who up until Monday night served as President Trump’s national security adviser.

“The disinformation campaign against my father won #AmericaFirst #USA #Flynn #FlynnResignation,” Michael Flynn Jr. claimed on Twitter.

The tweet, which has since been deleted, came hours after Flynn resigned his posting after being accused of misrepresenting communications with a Russian official.

Flynn Jr., who served as his dad’s chief of staff in the private sector, was a presidential transition official until being canned in December. The younger Flynn was accused of spreading fake news on Twitter.

Specifically, Flynn Jr. promoted the false #Pizzagate conspiracy. “Until #Pizzagate proven to be false, it’ll remain a story. The left seems to forget #PodestaEmails and the many “coincidences” tied to it,” he tweeted at the beginning of December.

The conspiracy theory centered around baseless rumors of illicit activity taking place at a local pizza shop in Washington, Comet Ping Pong.

Flynn Jr.’s tweet came as a gunman entered the pizza joint, reportedly firing three shots, in response to the conspiracy theory.

An email to Michael Flynn Jr.’s account bounced back.