Sex & Relationships

‘Third wheel’ woman is a hero to singles everywhere

A woman has become a hero to singles everywhere after documenting her life as a “third wheel.”

Instagram account Third Wheel Extravaganza shares photos posted by an anonymous joker who goes around photobombing cute couple moments while keeping a stony- faced expression.

Her bio reads: “Ah, love. It makes the world go round. Unless you’re me.

“Then you just lurk in the background of cute couples, but hey.”

And it seems the humorous singleton just can’t escape the never-ending kisses and hugs from lovers staring dreamily into their beloved’s eyes.

From out shopping to in her own kitchen, this girl just can’t seems unable to shake a plague of lovey-dovey duos wherever she goes.

But, her Instagram has gone down a storm with those who feel the same way and she now has over 1,000 followers on the app.

Amazed by the attention she has received, she wrote on her Instagram page: “I’m honestly so flattered that people have enjoyed this.

“My goal is to make people laugh and it seems like they are! I shall nobly continue my quest to document my life as a third wheel.”