
These 30-minute workouts will get you the body you always wanted


1. MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS: 3 sets of 20 reps

Model: Christi/Wilhelmina Models, Hair and Makeup by T. Cooper
Model: Christi/Wilhelmina Models, Hair and Makeup by T. Cooper

Liveing says: “Mountain climbers will raise your heart rate — they’re a cardiovascular jolt.”

Start in a pushup position with arms wider than your shoulders and your body weight over your hands, with your hands facing forward.
Keeping one foot on the floor, bring one knee to your chest (top) and alternate as if running at a quick pace (bottom), ensuring your core remains solid and that there is no dipping through the pelvis or back. That’s one rep. Increase speed, as if you are running on your hands.

2. JUMPING LUNGES: 4 sets of 10 reps

Model: Christi/Wilhelmina Models, Hair and Makeup by T. Cooper

Liveing says: “These lunges give you a complete lower-body workout, and you’ll improve stability as well.”
Stand up straight, with your feet together and your hands by your sides. Push your chest out and keep your shoulders back.
Step one foot forward into a lunge position. Bend both knees to a 90-degree angle. As you place your foot on the floor in front of you, make sure your knee is in line with your ankle. The back knee should be just above the floor (left).
Jump back up as you drop into a lunge, switching the position of your feet (right).
Modification: Nix the jump from the lunge, stepping forward and back on alternate sides.


3. CURTSY SQUAT: 4 sets of 10 reps

Model: Christi/Wilhelmina Models, Hair and Makeup by T. Cooper

Liveing says: “Adding a curtsy to a squat makes it a unilateral exercise, so you isolate the glutes.”
As if you were going to curtsy, cross one leg behind the other, dipping down into a squat (left).
Keep your chest up and pulse for two seconds before pushing up (right) and repeating on the opposite side. That’s one rep.

4. BASIC SQUATS: 4 sets of 10 reps

Model: Christi/Wilhelmina Models, Hair and Makeup by T. Cooper

Liveing says: “Squats increase strength in your glutes. Once you’ve mastered these, add a dumbbell for more weight.”
Step your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, either with toes facing forward or slightly turned out. Keep your chest up (left).
Breathe in and lower yourself down (as if you were going to sit on a chair), without your knees rolling in or out and ensuring your heels stay on the ground. Your upper legs should be parallel with the floor and your back should be between a 45- and 90-degree angle to your hips (right).
Once at the bottom of your squat, engage your glutes and legs and push yourself back up to standing position.

5. BOX JUMP ONTO PLATFORM: 4 sets of 10 reps

Model: Christi/Wilhelmina Models, Hair and Makeup by T. Cooper

Liveing says: “It’s an explosive move, so you’ll definitely raise your heart rate.”
Make sure your elevated platform is secure.
Get into a squat position in front of the platform (left) and then jump onto your sturdy platform (right).
Step back down and repeat.
Modification: Jump forward on flat ground, rather than onto a platform.

6. SINGLE-LEG ELEVATED HIP THRUST: 4 sets of 10 reps on each side

Model: Christi/Wilhelmina Models, Hair and Makeup by T. Cooper

Lie on your back in front of an elevated platform (about a foot off the floor). Place your left foot on the platform with your right leg extended straight toward the ceiling (left).
With the top of your back on the floor, drive your hips upward to create a bridge position (right), then lower down again. Each thrust is one rep.
Repeat with your other leg.
Modification: Place both feet on the platform and raise and lower your hips into a bridge position.


7. FULL-BODY BURPEES: 3 sets of 10 reps

Model: Christi/Wilhelmina Models, Hair and Makeup by T. Cooper
Model: Christi/Wilhelmina Models, Hair and Makeup by T. Cooper

Lying flat facedown on the ground, stretch your arms out in front of you at head height, just like Superman.
Press yourself up (top photo) into a crouched position (above left) and jump upward (above right), before crouching back down.
Return to your original position.
To modify, swap in extra mountain climbers instead of burpees.

8. BUNNY HOPS: 3 sets of 20 reps

Model: Christi/Wilhelmina Models, Hair and Makeup by T. Cooper

Liveing says: “This is really good to build strength in the upper body because you have to bear weight from the whole body in the arms.”
Bend down into a low crouching position. Extend your hands out as far as you can reach, and spread your palms firmly on the floor (left).
Jump your feet up and in parallel to your hands (right) and repeat.
Modification: Swap in pushups to build upper-body strength.

Bonus moves: Ab blast

9. OBLIQUE CRUNCH: 10 sets of 12 reps

Model: Christi/Wilhelmina Models, Hair and Makeup by T. Cooper
Model: Christi/Wilhelmina Models, Hair and Makeup by T. Cooper

Keeping hands clasped, sit up with your knees bent and your heels on the floor.
Lean back at a 45-degree angle. Twist from side (top) to side (bottom), extending in one long line from hips to head.
A twist on each side is one rep.

10. BOSU BALL PIKES: 5 sets of 12 reps

Model: Christi/Wilhelmina Models, Hair and Makeup by T. Cooper
Model: Christi/Wilhelmina Models, Hair and Makeup by T. Cooper

Adopt a pushup position, and rest your shins on a workout ball (top).
Roll it toward your body by raising your hips high (bottom).
Pause, then return to starting position.
This week, The Post is exclusively publishing details of “Clean Eating Alice: The Body Bible” by Alice Liveing. Read about her diet and story.