
Megyn Kelly gets into heated exchange with Trump campaign chief

Megyn Kelly and Kellyanne Conway got into a heated exchange about Donald Trump’s treatment of women Wednesday night on Fox News.

Conway complained about Hillary Clinton attacking her boss at the first presidential debate for comments he made 25 years ago, and for running negative TV ads.

That led Kelly to interject:

“Kellyanne, come on. They are running for president, of course she’s going to hit him with negative ads.”

“The ads she’s running about him, when it comes to his comments on women, use his words, Kellyanne,” she added.

Conway made the case that Clinton should be spending money to promote her vision for America.

But Kelly insisted that it’s OK for candidates to “hit” each other.

“You raised the question, he made a couple of comments over 25 years,” said Kelly. “You know that’s not true. You know he has repeatedly made comments about women, about their looks, about their size, their weight, even in this campaign, talking about Carly Fiorina’s face, retweeting a negative picture of Heidi Cruz’s face, criticizing Hillary Clinton in her look. And Kellyanne, this is an issue for him, is it not?”

Conway pointed out that Clinton is spending tens of millions of dollars on negative ads without offering an “aspirational, positive vision.”

“Because she’s killing him with women and she sees an advantage there and she’s trying to exploit it,” Kelly responded.

“And my question to you is whether he needs to come up with a better answer than telling ‘Fox and Friends,’ ‘Well, she gained a bunch of weight when she won Miss Universe and she was a real problem.’”

“What I would say to that is this, that he should speak to America’s women based on the issues about which they care, prosperity and security, and he should talk about ObamaCare and education and he should talk about the lies that Hillary Clinton has told over many different decades,” Conway responded.

“I think he should brag more about the thousands of women he has employed at the Trump Corporation over decades and the high positions that they have. They’ve been promoted, they’ve been well-compensated.”