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Punk bassist knocks down drone hovering over concert

In the name of punk rock, down with the drones!

The bassist of hardcore punk band Trash Talk showed off his hatred for all things flying during a show recently when he pelted a drone hovering above the stage.

Spencer Pollard was apparently fed up with the flying drone during a show last week at an indoor skatepark, which had been provided by the company Detroit Drone.

“After being hired to fly and videotape at this indoor skateboard event, I watched as a punk-rock bass player knocked down my drone with a very limp-wristed toss of a beer can,” the company described the video of the incident on YouTube.

The drone initially appears to peacefully float above the crowd as a mosh pit complete with exuberant punk rockers takes place below.

Nobody seems to be bothered by the drone as it continues to videotape the rockers’ antics.

It isn’t until it makes its way to the front of the Trash Talk stage that it finally becomes the target of Pollard’s fury.

On his first attempt, the bearded bassist misses his target, but showing off his determination, he quickly tries again and proceeds to nail the drone with a missile-like beer bottle.

Upon impact, the drone appears to spin out of control as it crashes to the ground — ultimately giving its life to punk rock.