
Autistic boy reunited with parents after being found at subway station

Two subway cleaners reunited an autistic, barefoot boy with his family at a Brooklyn station Monday— hours after he slipped out of his home.

One worker, Carol Goring, 48, spotted the child at the Flatbush Avenue-Brooklyn College Station at about 11 a.m. knocking on a 5 train.

He appeared to be about 8 years old.

Goring took him to an air-conditioned locker room at the station with cleaner Deslyn Collins, 55, and they called the police.

“I held onto his hand,” Goring said.

Cops arrived at the station with his overjoyed parents, who had reported him missing.

The child had snuck out while he was supposed to be taking a nap.

“He got home, that’s the most important thing,” said Goring.