
It’s a zoo out there for World Cup predictions

The World Cup is a chance for the finest animal seers from around the globe to have their moment in the sun. And the water. And the shaded nature preserve.

Continuing in the proud tradition of two-winged, four-legged and eight-armed sports prognosticators, a full menagerie of creatures is weighing in with predictions for the soccer tournament.

Here’s a look at a few of these precious psychics:

Norman the Armadillo

Replacing Paul the Octopus (RIP) as Germany’s World Cup oracle, Norman went out on one of his scaly limbs last Friday and picked the home team to beat Portugal in its opening match. And how right he was! Germany “shelled” Portugal, 4-0, in Monday’s first match.

Aochan the Penguin/Hacchan the Octopus

These two Japan-based soothsayers tried their hand(s) at sizing up Japan’s opening match against Ivory Coast. Hacchan was a huge homer and picked Japan, which lost, 2-1.

Cabecao the Turtle

Cabecao, or “Big Head,” is an expert at breaking down matches in “pool” play. With fish hanging from beneath the flag of each country, the savvy loggerhead snapped up the proper treat to correctly predict a victory for Brazil in its opening Group A match against Croatia.

Nelly the Elephant

Nelly keeps her ears to the ground from her home at Serengeti Perk near Hodenhagen, Germany, allowing the young elephant to peg Germany to prevail over Portugal.

Ying Mei the Panda

Do any of these furry forecasters ever pick an underdog? Ying Mei, a giant panda living in Yangzhou in China, went for the box of food labeled Brazil over the meal marked Croatia.