
OK Go takes optical illusions to the next level in new video

Don’t worry, your eyes aren’t deceiving you. It’s just the new OK Go video and it’s a trip.

The band are back with a new track, “The Writing’s On The Wall,” taken from the forthcoming album “Hungry Ghosts,” which is due in October.

As has become the norm for the Chicago indie-rockers, it comes with a high-concept video. This one combines optical illusions and gravity-defying sequences into one continuous four-minute take that took two months of preparations and 61 run-throughs to get right.

It’s a clip that you’ll want to see again and again, but OK Go are old hands at creating viral videos. It started back in 2005 when their dance routine for “A Million Ways” became an online sensation.

The 2006 clip for “Here It Goes Again” captured them dancing again, this time on treadmills, and the following year, it landed them a Grammy for Best Short Form Video.

The brilliant chain-reaction video for 2010’s “This Too Shall Pass” earned nearly a million plays in its first day online.

In 2010, they also broke one of the golden rules of showbiz and decided to work with animals for “White Knuckles.” But it was definitely worth it.

And on Super Bowl Sunday in 2012, they premiered “Needing/Getting,” which featured the band in a specially designed car, striking various objects around a course to create the song’s melody.