
Grimm’s ex repped by embattled pol’s pals in fraud case

The ​Texas woman charged with drumming up cash for Rep. Michael Grimm through straw donors insist​s she has no problem being represented by lawyers who remain close pals with the embattled ​Staten Island ​pol.

​Brooklyn federal ​Judge Sterling Johnson asked ​Diana ​Durand if she was aware of ​the potential conflict of interest and ordered her to speak privately with an independent attorney who summarized the potentially problematic arrangement.

But the single mom ​– who once dated Grimm ​– insisted on keeping Stuart Kaplan ​and ​Joseph Sconzo as her lawyers. ​Grimm and the lawyers were buddies ​when ​all three ​were FBI agents.

Congressman Michael Grimm (center) leaves federal court after an indictment hearing in Brooklyn on April 28.EPA

​The feds say ​Durand ​improperly raised $10,600 for her former beau and has refused to cooperate with prosecutors in exchange for a plea deal.

The ​Houston woman has already pleaded not guilty to a three-count indictment charging her with felony violations of federal campaign finance law.

Kaplan has claimed that she didn’t know her straw donor tactics were illegal because she is not a “sophisticated” woman.

Grimm is facing charges related to his ownership of a Manhattan restaurant including tax evasion, fraud, perjury and hiring undocumented workers.

He has yet to be charged with any campaign finance​-​related malfeasance.