Sex & Relationships

Dangerous curves ahead for dieting daters

Jen Blackford, a consumer insights director, is usually vigilant about watching her diet. She cooks with whole grains, chooses low-fat cheese and skips the fried stuff.

But when she’s on a date? It’s a whole different story.

“I always order ‘real food’ when I’m on a date, either because I don’t want to come across as uptight, or because I’m having such a good time that I don’t care as much about my diet in the moment,” says the 29-year-old West Village resident. “So when I go out a lot, I may gain a few pounds.”

Blackford’s not the only one who abandons her calorie counting when she’s out with a love interest. Lots of people do this, according to New York City dietitian Lauren Slayton — so many, in fact, that it’s one of the main focuses of her new diet manifesto, “The Little Book of Thin,” out Tuesday. She reveals her top five tips for dating and dieting:

1. Speak up to slim down. When your date asks where you want to eat, don’t just say, “Wherever,” and hope he or she telepathically understands you really mean, “Wherever they serve healthy options.” Instead, volunteer specific restaurants that you know serve low-cal, good-for-you dishes — and scope the menu online beforehand so you already have an idea of what to order. That way, you can focus on your answer to the “What’s in your Netflix queue?” question without frantically scanning the food list at the same time.

2. Stick to your picks. Going splitsies — meaning you each share two entrées — is pretty common on dates. But if your partner wants the extra-cheddar mac and cheese, that means you’ll end up with half of a mega-calorie bomb. To avoid that plate fate, Slayton suggests saying, “That pasta sounds amazing, but I’m trying to be healthy right now, so I’ll just stick to my own meal.” Chances are, your date will not just be understanding (you’re hardly the only weight-conscious person on earth) but perhaps respect you even more for speaking your mind.

3. Cook a thinner dinner. Invite your date to your place to whip up a meal together. Doing so not only allows you to show off your “Top Chef” skills (always a plus), but it also allows you to control the menu. The best part? You can prepare a healthy dinner without necessarily revealing that you’re dieting, Slayton says. Her suggestions: salmon, sweet potato fries and a spicy kale salad, or an Asian shrimp stir-fry with black or brown rice.

4. Don’t go YOLO when you’re flying solo. If you’re the kind of person who simply cannot resist treats when you’re on a date, that’s fine — the key is to know that about yourself and instead focus your energy on being extra healthy when you’re alone. Reserve one or two evenings a week for staying in and cooking nutritious meals (such as steamed veggies and fish). And skip the wine and indulgent desserts — that way, you’ll be better able to balance out the extra date-night calories.

5. Fast forward to sexytime. No one wants to feel bloated in bed. So if you plan on engaging in some post-noshing nookie, think before you bite into that cookie — picturing yourself feeling great during sex will help you resist the temptation to indulge. And you don’t have to come right out and say exactly why you’re eating light, either: Just say you don’t want to feel heavy, and he or she will likely get the hint.