
Gilly & Dodd to feed at fat cats’ $$ trough

WASHINGTON — Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Chris Dodd of Connecticut will cozy up to Wall Street fat cats at an uptown campaign fund-raiser Monday, even as they help President Obama whack the financial industry with tough new regulations.

Gillibrand and Dodd, chief architect of the crackdown, will mingle with a who’s who of Wall Street big shots and New York Democratic moneymen.

Contributors will pay up to $10,000 per person to attend the event at the Park Avenue home of investment executive Ralph Schlosstein and big-time donor Jane Hartley, according to an invitation obtained by The Post.

The guest list includes JPMorgan honcho David Topper, Wall Street lawyer Dick Beattie, hedge-fund investor James Torrey and ex-Clinton Treasury big Roger Altman.

“Senator Gillibrand’s support for strong financial reform proves there is zero conflict,” spokesman Matt Canter said.

“The event is not an industry event. It is being hosted by some of the leading Democratic donors in New York City, many of who have supported Senator Gillibrand since her first run for Congress.”

Dodd spokesman Bryan DeAngelis agreed.