
Seniority has its merits

Chancellor Joel Klein’s argument for the elimination of teacher seniority is simply a ploy to prey upon the public’s fears about the future (“Keeping Great Teachers,” PostOpinion, May 7).

If people would think about their own experience, they would remember their relief when they found out their child would be in the classroom of an experienced, professional and well-liked teacher.

Smearing the achievements of thousands of NYC teachers is absolutely shameful.

Isabella Calisi



Does Klein really believe that superintendents and principals would react fairly to recommendations regarding who gets laid off?

Without seniority, we would revert back to cronyism, nepotism, religion, race and age as factors in who goes and who stays.

Klein talks about great teachers, but even the greatest of teachers have met students with discipline problems beyond their abilities.

You don’t need to lay off any teachers. Get rid of the failed administrators sitting at Tweed and your spokespeople.

Then lower class size by using excessed teachers instead of relegating them to substitute status.

Ed Greenspan
