
Chill factor

Eva Longoria

Eva Longoria (Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Most popular songs

1. Blurred Lines, Robin Thicke

2. We Can’t Stop, Miley Cyrus

3. Holy Grail, Jay Z

4. Wake Me Up, Avicii

5. Radioactive, Imagine Dragons

6. Get Lucky, Daft Punk

7. Cups, Anna Kendrick

8. Hold On We’re Going Home, Drake

9. Best Song Ever, One Direction

10. Safe and Sound, Capital Cities

Tivo favorites

1. Breaking Bad

2. Big Brother

3. Under the Dome

4. NBC Nightly News, Mon.

5. Big Brother, Sun.

Top video downloads

1. Lansing Lugnuts pitcher Daniel Norris saves face

2. Harrison Ford angrily points at stuff

3. Dr. J can still dunk at 63

4. Two moons passing in Martian night

5. You’ve changed bro

Google trends

1. Seahawks

2. Paulina Gretzky

3. UFC

4. Princess Diana

5. Raz B

NY Post hot topics

1. Diana slay plot

2. Kiddie-porn crony

3. Cop sues dumped rapper

4. Camp-fire escape

5. Eva Longoria charity work