Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

Astrologer Sally Brompton forecasts what today has in store for you

Sally Brompton

The New York Post’s Sally Brompton brings decades of experience in astrology to her daily horoscopes and predictions for all 12 zodiac signs.

Today's Horoscope

November 22 - December 21

The impulsive side of your nature will be much in evidence over the next 24 hours and not everyone will be happy that you start doing one thing and then switch abruptly to something else. If you start something new you must commit yourself to finishing it.

Yesterday's Horoscope

Set a schedule you know will work for you and then stick to it relentlessly over the next few days. You may think you are more creative when you act in a free-form style but sometimes, as now, you need to be a bit more disciplined.