
Chill factor

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton (AP)

Most popular songs

1. Can’t Hold Us, Macklemore + Ryan Lewis

2. Just Give Me a Reason, Pink

3. Mirrors, Justin Timberlake

4. Come and Get It, Selena Gomez

5. Radioactive, Imagine Dragons

6. Gentleman, PSY

7. Stay, Rihanna

8. I Love It, Icona Pop

9. Thrift Shop, Macklemore + Ryan Lewis

Tivo favorites

1. The Big Bang Theory


3. Modern Family

4. American Idol

5. Two and a Half Men

Top video downloads

1. How to disappoint your parents in 61 seconds

2. Beyoncé apologizes for cancelled show

3. Stephen Curry and team thank the fans

Google trends

1. Bay to breakers

2. Florida Lotto

3. Kanye West

4. Eurovision

5. CA lottery

NY Post hot topics

1. Scary Hofstra siege

2. O.J. talks prison, plans

3. Yahoo! clears Tumblr deal

4. We’ll always nab Paris (Hilton)