Weird But True

Weird but true

What a pain in the glass!

A Chicago woman is suing a hair salon because she was hurt falling through its window from the sidewalk — while trying to kick her husband after they’d had a few drinks.

Melanie Shaker claims the window should have been fortified since its on a street “frequently traveled by intoxicated pedestrians.”


Her disability didn’t prevent her from taking a pole position.

A Pennsylvania waitress who was receiving workers’ compensation for a back injury was arrested on fraud charges after she was caught working in a jiggle joint.

Private investigators spotted Christina Gamble pole dancing at C.R. Fanny’s Gentleman’s Club while reaping nearly $27,000 in disability benefits.


Talk about beefcake!

Cletus, a nearly 3,000-pound Montana cow, has been auctioned off for $1,670.

Cletus’ former owner, Bill McIntosh, said the hefty cow had a hearty appetite, chowing down on 90 pounds of hay a day, but had slimmed down from 3,100 pounds.

“I guess he wintered a little rough,” McIntosh said.


It was sweet revenge for all those push-ups.

Florida students whose lockers were frequently getting broken into used a cellphone camera to catch the culprit — their gym teacher.

Deputies from the Marion County Sheriff’s Office busted teacher Steven Simmons after students showed them images of him stealing cash from their lockers.

The North Marion HS teacher later confessed that he had pilfered $400.


He got really high, and then crashed.

A Canadian man attending a Toronto march to legalize marijuana on Saturday was badly hurt when he fell from a tree.

In a half-baked plan, the dopey protester perched himself some 65 feet up in the tree in Queen’s Park.

He fell at 4:20 p.m. — a time dear to pot smokers.