
Am I crazy to leave my job for something more challenging?

I love my job, my boss and my colleagues, but after five years I feel like I’ve hit a wall and that it’s time for a new challenge. Is it crazy to take a risk moving to a different company when things are going so well here?

Crazy is staying in a job when you don’t want to be there any longer if you have other options. It’s a luxury and a blessing to have choices, and the best time to evaluate other career opportunities is when you aren’t under pressure to do so, either because you are out of work or are unhappy and feel pressured to make a move.
But make sure you are not going through some existential crisis and leaving for the wrong reason. Start exploring your options. Take your time. You may discover a great new path — or that where you are is better than what’s out there. Finally, don’t overlook the opportunity to take on a new challenge within your company. Getting what you need may not require a move.

I am happily employed and not looking to change jobs, but recently another company asked to meet with me on an “exploratory” basis. Over the past couple of months I’ve met multiple people there. I’m beginning to feel like I am wasting my time if I continue this. Should I keep meeting with them or end it — unless they have a specific job in mind for me?

Either you’re a good conversationalist, or the company is interested in you for a potential role. There’s no harm in continuing to meet with them, provided everyone is clear you are not actively seeking to make a move. They could be contemplating changes which are still confidential, and it’s a common practice to size up talent under the guise of just getting to know them. There’s a risk your current employer will find out, but that risk is small unless the company you’re talking to is a competitor. Even if it is, networking and developing industry contacts is not a bad practice.
However, do not have these meetings at their offices — and not on company time. Meeting outside somewhere over coffee, lunch or drinks is common business networking protocol, particularly when you are not actively looking for a new job.