
New Yorkers fall short on ‘muscle-strengthening’: report

They seem to be pumping iPhones, not iron.

In a city where physical fitness is coveted, only 30 percent of adults engage in “muscle-strengthening activity” twice weekly, as recommended by federal physical fitness guidelines, according to a Health Department report.

That’s not much better than the 29 percent national average, despite the numerous fitness and health initiatives launched during the Bloomberg Administration.

Gotham’s public high school students don’t even measure up to their national counterparts, according to the 2011 Physical Activity survey released by the health agency.

Only 50 percent of city teens were buffing and pumping up for the recommended three times weekly, which was lower than the 56 percent national average.

“Muscle-strengthening activity increases lean body mass, increases resting metabolic rate, and promotes physical activity in general,” the Health Department pointed out.

“Adults who engage in strength training are less likely to experience loss of muscle mass, functional decline, and fall-related injuries than adults who do not strength train.”

Males were more likely than females to pump iron — 38 percent compared to 23 percent for adults and 58 percent to 42 percent among teens.

Strength training declined significantly with age, despite the health benefits in maintaining muscle mass. Only about one in five residents over 65 did strength exercises, compared to nearly one in three younger adults.

Heath officials on Monday reported the number of elderly residents who ended up in hospital emergency rooms following slip and fall injuries increased 22 percent over five years.

More than seven in ten New Yorkers met aerobic activity goals — at least 150 minutes weekly — by jogging or other heart-pumping exercises.

Gym members were more than twice as likely to meet the fitness guidelines.

And teens who were members of sports teams were 50 percent more likely to be fit. Youths are expected to engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily, whether it be through strength training or aerobics.

The Health Department said Tuesday, “Adults and teens across the country are not getting enough exercise and those in New York City are no exception, despite living in a relatively walkable city. Getting regular physical activity is one of the best ways for everyone to stay healthy. Teens need to get more aerobic exercise and muscle-strengthening exercise, and adults need to make it easier for them to do that.”