
The girl who cried ‘rape’

* I was shocked to read about Biurny Peguero Gonzalez, a liar who got away with it, and an innocent man who was imprisoned for four years (” ‘Rape’ Girl’s New Shocker,” Feb. 25).

What I will never be able to understand is the injustice that was committed. Where was the proof that Gonzalez was right? What proof was gathered that William McCaffrey committed the rape?

Was it just because Gonzalez said so, or did she look so dazzlingly pretty that the jury couldn’t see anything else?

How many innocent people have gone to jail while guilty ones were set free? We can blame the judge and all those responsible in handling the case.

May the people in this city and nation wake up.

A. Christiano


* I don’t understand some people’s sense of justice. It may be an old-school view, but if you take away four years of someone’s life with a lie, your sentence should be four years and not a day longer or shorter.

Gonzalez still doesn’t hold herself accountable. In her absurd statement, she says, “I have no idea how I got myself into this mess.”

Really? You accused someone of a heinous crime and continued the lie for years. Get it now?

Menashe Schorr


* Gonzalez deprived a man of his normal life.

But this story has less to do with the consequences Gonzalez will face. The problem will come for women who have been raped. Nobody will want a repeat of this, and it will fall upon victims to have to prove their innocence.

Those whom McCaffrey cites as involved in his incarceration should be examined a little further. They couldn’t have had much of a case, since he didn’t commit the crime.

Steven Wolosker


* Congratulations to the judge for putting the rape liar behind bars.

It’s about time the message got out that women can’t just make up an accusation like rape when it didn’t happen.

Hopefully, McCaffrey will sue her and take everything she owns.

James Panzo
