

The typical bridge player spends a great deal of time and energy trying to steal what already belongs to him. In today’s deal, South tried to make his slam with a dubious swindle when he had a legitimate chance.

I’d have opened one spade as North — I believe in getting the major suit mentioned quickly and making it harder for the opponents to enter the auction — but North’s one club worked out well. South jump-shifted and rebid his suit, and North judged that his three aces and possible ruffing trick in hearts were enough to commit to slam.

The play was less accurate. South started faultlessly by taking the ace of hearts but then cashed five rounds of trumps, forcing the defenders to discard. Alas, they had no problem pitching hearts, and when South next led the ace and a low club, hoping for a 2-2 break, West took the jack and king to defeat the slam.

South should instead rely on technique. He can come to the king of spades at Trick Two, return a trump to dummy’s nine, cash the ace of spades and ruff a spade. When both defenders follow, South gets back to dummy by ruffing his king of hearts and ruffs a fourth spade. He can draw trumps and go to the ace of clubs to take the good fifth spade for his 12th trick. If the spades broke 5-2, South could try for a 2-2 club break.

By the way, do you see a defense to beat six diamonds? Suppose West leads the king of clubs! If West found that lead against me, I’d start thinking about retirement.