
Unhitch from ‘The Lovesong of Alfred J. Hitchcock’

Alfred Hitchcock is the only director who’s also a pop-culture icon — recent dueling biopics starred Anthony Hopkins and Toby Jones.

Now it’s Martin Miller’s turn to portray the jowly helmer, in David Rudkin’s play “The Lovesong of Alfred J. Hitchcock.” Sadly, the title — a twist on a T.S. Eliot poem — is the best thing about this lifeless British dirge.

Rudkin looks at Hitch’s life through the prism of his movies. Or is that the other way around? Whatever. The show rambles on aimlessly as the master of suspense obsesses about his obese body, sexuality and food. “Fodder this loathsome eating and excreting flesh,” he says. “I hate my flesh!” Paging Doctor Freud!

Fans will entertain themselves spotting the movie references; others should rent “Vertigo.”