
The VFW’s rogue PAC

Honor matters to the Veterans of For eign Wars.

VFW national commander Richard Eubank last week fired the group’s DC-based political action committee after it made several highly questionable congressional endorsements — including Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and, closer to home, flip-flopping upstate Democratic Rep. Scott Murphy.

Boxer’s manifest contempt for the military is perhaps best exemplified by her public humiliation of an Army general for calling her “ma’am” instead of “senator.”

Meanwhile, VFW-PAC endorsed Democratic nutballs like Florida Rep. Alan Grayson — who’s compared his GOP challenger to the Taliban.

And, counterintuitively, the PAC backed Murphy in the upstate 23rd district. Why counterintuitive? Because Murphy’s opponent is an actual veteran of several foreign wars: Chris Gibson retired in February after a 24-year Army career that saw exemplary service in Bosnia, Haiti and multiple deployments to Iraq.

What’s going on?

The PAC essentially preferred to endorse incumbents — regardless of merit or mission: Think Washington insider-politicking at its worst.

Eubank is having none of it. When the PAC refused to reconsider the endorsements, he moved for dissolution at the VFW’s next national convention. In the meantime, he declared that he was immediately “withdrawing all PAC appointments” and asked the VFW leadership council to give the PAC a vote of “no confidence.”

Good for Eubank.

Voters in the 23rd District can second his motion by casting a vote for Chris Gibson on Nov. 2.