
Kid-porn fan free to love

Happy Valentine’s Day, sicko!

An appeals court yesterday cleared the road to romance for a convicted kiddie pornster, tossing out a bizarre order that he has to tell any “significant” new girlfriends about his perverted past.

Three Manhattan federal appeals court judges knocked down the directive because it doesn’t spell out what would constitute a “significant romantic relationship” for lovelorn Lamont Reeves.

“What makes a relationship ‘romantic,’ let alone ‘significant’ in its romantic depth, can be the subject of endless debate across generations, regions and genders,” Judge Barrington Parker Jr., wrote.

In issuing their decision, the judges noted that Reeves, 51, a former Manhattan court assistant, was hit with the unusual punishment without warning by Brooklyn federal Judge Nicholas Garaufis.

Garaufis imposed the order — which also required him to tell probation officials about any new flames — after sentencing Reeves to 40 months in the slammer for possessing three DVDs of kiddie porn and stealing nearly $100,000 in Social Security payments sent to his dead father.

Legal experts said they had never before heard of the requirement, with one leading defense attorney calling it “weird” and “over the top.”