
Stop harassing the cops: Frisks save NYC lives

The Issue: Whether the New York Times’ reports on the stop-and-frisk program are biased against it.


Its was refreshing to read Heather Mac Donald’s piece, “The Times’ Big Lie on Stop and Frisk,” (PostOpinion, March 25)

The selective and shoddy reporting of New York Times writer Joseph Goldstein was not only irresponsible, it was inflammatory.

Deputy Inspector Christopher McCormack should be commended for instructing Officer Pedro Serrano to use a valuable tool such as stop-and-frisk to fight crime.

When used properly, the results greatly benefit the community at large.

Fortunately, McCormack and a vast majority of the NYPD’s officers know how to properly use this vital tool. Sadly, Goldstein and Officer Serrano seem to use it to further their own selfish causes, at the cost of others’ safety.B. Gallagher

Valley Stream

Crime reduction leads to an enormous economic windfall for New York City’s coffers. Businesses want to come back. Many fled years ago when crime, including the murder rate, skyrocketed.

Also, tourists want to visit New York City and spend their money. The city now relishes the fact that our murder rate is one of the lowest in the country.

The stop-and-frisk procedure, if curtailed, will mostly hurt individuals who live in areas represented by the very proponents of curtailing the tactic.

There is a deep-seated resentment for the police in many of the neighborhoods they patrol, based on perceptions of bias and prejudice directed at minorities. There are bad apples in every profession, but Police Commissioner Ray Kelly does an outstanding job of weeding out those individuals.

If stop-and-frisk is limited, cops still will be able to protect themselves and, hopefully, other victims of crime. But that is less likely because guns that are not removed from the streets will be used on the streets.

Pat Abbruzzi

Staten Island

At some point, the city’s powers that be are going to have to admit that over 90 percent of murder victims and shooters are young minorities, and that the overwhelming number of murders are committed with handguns, not assault rifles.

You cannot solve the problem unless you adopt policies that are directed at these facts. Peter Hess


The Times misses a major point: Stop-and-frisk saves lives.

New York City has vastly reduced its murder rate through this program, while cities like Chicago, Detroit and Trenton continue to have very high rates of murder. I am sure the families of any murder victim in those cities would support stop-and-frisk if the death of their loved one could have been prevented.

Tom Lienhard

Westfield, NJ

Is it any wonder that the Times has succumbed to yellow journalism by portraying the stop-and-frisk program as nothing more than an effort to harass minorities?

The public is being lied to regarding the NYPD’s intent with a policy that has reduced violent crime in the city. These are the same proponents of gun control who wish to regulate law-abiding citizens while allowing gun-toting thugs to murder at will.

Mac Donald refers to the Times’ story on Friday: “Bronx Inspector, Secretly Taped, Suggests Race Is a Factor in Stops.”

This is purely a political piece riddled with untruths. Officer Serrano’s taped exchange with McCormack reveals the truth behind a bad cop trying to work the system.

This is another story of politically correct sickness that has crippled our ability to get the bad guys.

Theodore Miraldi

The Bronx

The Times’ continuous clouding of the facts about stop-and-frisk does a disservice to all New Yorkers.

The initiative has saved lives, especially in poor neighborhoods. It has saved a few lives of high-risk black and Hispanic children who will live to attend college, thanks to the initiative.

Keep up the good work at The Post.Maria Duran

The Bronx