
Chill factor

Katherine Webb

Katherine Webb (Invision for Warner Bros.)

Most popular songs

1. Just Give Me a Reason, Pink

2. When I Was Your Man, Bruno Mars

3. The Way, Ariana Grande

4. Thrift Shop, Macklemore/Ryan Lewis

5. Radioactive, Imagine Dragons

6. Suit & Tie, Justin Timberlake

7. Stay, Rihanna

Tivo favorites

1. Modern Family

2. The Voice

3. 60 Minutes

4. Dancing With the Stars

Top video downloads

1. Rutgers coach abusive practice

2. Drive-thru headless trick

3. Doug Anderson: slam-dunk champ

4. Ellen announces ‘Finding Dory’

Google trends

1. Lily Pulitzer

2. Rick Warren

3. Final Four

4. Kurt Cobain

NY Post hot topics

1. NCAA coverage

2. Katherine Webb making a ‘Splash’

3. SNL spoofs Rutgers, N. Korea