
Another movie about Wall Street in the works

Hollywood’s love affair with Wall Street is far from over.

Ex-hedge fund trader Turney Duff’s wild tale of drugs and sex on Wall Street, “The Buy Side: A Wall Street Trader’s Tale of Spectacular Excess,” has just been bought by Sony Pictures.

The book is a memoir of Duff’s roller-coaster life as a drug addict and Wall Street trader.

Sony owns the rights to the book for two years and is actively seeking a writer for the screenplay, Duff told The Post on Monday.

The studio is also still deciding whether to turn Duff’s tale of decadence, which include his use of cocaine and prostitutes, into a movie or a television series, he said.

“I think the logical next step after “Wolf of Wall Street” would be TV,” he said, referring to Martin Scorsese’s blockbuster film about the swindler stockbroker, Jordan Belfort.

Duff worked at Galleon, the hedge fund founded by Raj Rajaratnam who was sentenced in 2011 to 11 years in federal lock-up for insider trading.