

IN a recent Satur day Night Live skit, a lip-biting Bill Clinton (Darrell Hammond) told the audience, “I’m here to make a very important announcement. After the holiday, Barack Obama will officially appoint me the husband to the secretary of state.”

And, in fact, when the president-elect announces his national-security team today, he’s widely expected to put the former first couple squarely on the international stage by bestowing upon his rival, Hillary Clinton, that plum position – secretary of state.

Is there any doubt we’ll again be getting “two for the price of one?”

Billary is back.

The decision infuriates many Obama supporters. Pulling the lever for Obama was supposed to usher out the Clinton era of baby-boomer entitlement and drama.

Shades of “The Godfather”: Just when you think they’re out, someone pulls them back in.

There’s an argument for Hillary in this job: She’s hard working, smart on policy, willing to learn and an international celebrity beloved around the world. On her own, she has the potential to do a great job.

But she never is on her own. With Hillary, you always get Bill and a coterie of scheming loyalists.

Obama’s magnanimous decision is reportedly an outgrowth of his infatuation with historian Doris Kearns Goodwin’s tome hailing Abraham Lincoln’s decision to appoint a “team of rivals” to his Cabinet. But other historians have recently weighed in, criticizing Lincoln’s strategy, noting that his Cabinet was poisonous and drama filled.

Matthew Pinsker, a Civil War specialist at Dickinson College, wrote in The Los Angeles Times that of the four top competitors whom Lincoln appointed, only one survived his first term. The other three resigned, “one in disgrace, one in defiance and one in disgust.”

A particular thorn in Lincoln’s side was Treasury Secretary Salmon Chase, who never truly accepted Lincoln’s victory, believing he was more qualified to be president. Remind you of anyone?

Recently, Newsweek reported on a call between Bill Clinton and Democratic strategist Donna Brazile, wherein Bill ranted for an hour about Obama. Oblivious to the irony, he exclaimed: “If Barack Obama is nominated, it will be the worst denigration of public service.”

This wasn’t just campaign strategy to draw distinctions with an opponent. It was a deep, visceral hostility toward the upstart who Bill believes blocked his family’s rightful return to the White House. Clinton even reportedly tallied an 81-page list of grievances against the Obama campaign for attacks (real and perceived) against his lady.

So what will happen when the inevitable policy disagreement arises – say, on talking to Iran – between the Obama and Clinton camps? Before you can say, “leak,” the Clinton’s side of the story will be all over the press, making the president look weak.

Candidate John Kerry learned this lesson in 2004 after bringing on some Clinton aides to save his campaign. Within days, he was humiliated by a story in The New York Times about how he had called Bill Clinton – recuperating from surgery in the hospital – to get advice about how to run his campaign.

But the leaks will be small potatoes compared to the impromptu press conferences Bill will hold as he roves the world. He’ll be constantly pressed for his opinion on world events – and self-control isn’t exactly his strong suit.

If he couldn’t behave when his own legacy hung in the balance or stay on message when Hillary’s campaign for the White House was on the line, why think he’ll be able to behave now?

That’s assuming he even wants to control himself.

Everything the Clinton camp does will be with an eye toward a future run for Hillary. If this lines up with what’s good for Obama, great. If not, they’ll always protect their own flanks first.

Bill Clinton was in many ways a great president, although his scandals and dishonesty were tiring and marred much good work. Postpresidency, he rehabilitated himself as a global do-gooder – only to trash his own brand during his wife’s campaign.

Perhaps Obama is the one person who can control a self-destructive former president with a chip on his shoulder. But that’s some serious change to believe in. kirstenpowers@aol.com