Fashion & Beauty


Nothing says luxury like Tiffany’s signature blue, Bendel’s cheery brown and white stripes or a classic black-and-white from Barneys.

PHOTOS: Frugal Fashionista Gift Guide

But at a time when price tags can leave you glistening with anxiety – instead of holiday sparkle – the likes of Dior, YSL, Hermes, Cartier and the rest seem decidedly out of reach.

Think again, frugal fashionistas! The Post spent a week investigating the best solutions for the label-conscious giftee.

We went to several high-end stores and found that all it takes to find the perfect gift is a keen eye. Don’t let the jungle of high prices discourage you. Beyond the elaborate displays and artistic decor, the ideal place to look for less expensive items in luxury stores is the accessories department, where we found a variety of quirky gift ideas.