

The city Parks Department is looking for an official mascot, and it wants New Yorkers to propose one.

May we, in all modesty, put forward our suggestion?

How about Cullen the Cardinal – created by Leah Tiscione of The Post’s art department, and named for the legendary 19th-century Post editor whose 1844 editorial led to the creation of Central Park?

William Cullen Bryant edited The Post for half a century and was, in his time, America’s most famous poet, to boot.

He’s already got one local landmark named in his honor – Bryant Park – but we think he’s an ideal inspiration for another namesake.

And putting his name to the northern cardinal is appropriate: The bird is one of the most common to be found in the city’s parks system. Plus, like New York’s favorite newspaper, they can be really hard to ignore.

Besides, Cullen makes a much more compelling mascot than would, if we may, Pinch the Pigeon or Snoozey the Squirrel.

Not that we want to preclude any other entries, mind you.

But we think Cullen is a real winner – and would make a terrific symbol for the city parks.

How about it, Commissioner Benepe?