Food & Drink

257 sandwiches were enough for one man to pop the question

“So when are you going to propose?” became a very frequent, increasingly headache-inducing inquiry.

“I just don’t know” was the honest reply, which coolly covered the overwhelming pressure of selecting the ideal date to pop the question.

“300 Sandwiches” is, after all, the name of the project.

On the other hand, I already had the ring, I was unbelievably excited to give it to Stephanie and there was limited time — women have an ability to somehow sense the presence of diamonds, and she’d discover that sparkler sooner or later.

I always knew I had to do this in the most idyllic, memorable setting possible, and after much thought, selected Barbados, where kite-boarding season conveniently lasts till the end of June.

I’m an avid kite-boarder, and with my best friend and I arriving a week early on the island to plot out proposal logistics, it provided the perfect ruse.

As for the significance of No. 257 — it was the nearest prime number, divisible by only itself and 1.

And when she decided to make the island’s national sandwich specialty — a fish cutter — for her 257th sandwich, I knew it was time.

I had my female friend take her to the spa all day while the guys helped me prepare the scene: picking flowers, making paper lanterns, getting the Champagne chilled.

I had no concern she’d say no.

We had already gone ring shopping, planning on things like a family — and besides, we both love each other. B

ut man, did that ring shine in the brilliant Bajan sunlight!

Enough to be worthy of 257 sandwiches? I certainly hope so.

Eric’s 5 Favorite Sandwiches!
No. 52 “Thanksgiving Leftovers” Turkey and Trimmings Sandwich was the “perfect post-holiday treat.”
No. 179 “Not Your Mother’s Roast Beef” Spicy French Dip was “soul-warming.”
No. 185 Eric said “Craving New York” Pastrami and Provolone on Rye was “dynamite.”
No. 192 “Costume Shopping” Pumpkin Biscuit, Bacon and Scrambled Egg was “savoury-licious.”
No. 210 “Team Effort” French Toast Sandwiches were deemed “decadent.”