

Trying to create a rhythm with this blog, so on Mondays, you can always count on me answering your mail from the previous week. And it will be earlier than this, got hung up by gadgets today. I’m also up for suggestions with Where’s Kernan, including places you think I should go, now, now let’s keep it clean.

A lot of people have told me how much they like the blog, my goal is to get you inside the locker room, on the field and in the press box.

I’m willing to learn and Santiago6, “tight and corporate’’ is a great description of Yankeeland. “Tighten up’’ was a description one of my old baseball coaches in the early 70s used, during summer league games when he wanted us to play better defense. I thought it was great then and it works now with the Yankees.

Rico is right … … it is structure. Sometimes I try to be smarter than I should be and make a crack about Pavano closing and people take me seriously. Ludicrous would be the only way to describe such a thing.

I can tell you this. Pavano needs structure. He has a new agent this year, Gregg Clifton, who is Tommy Glavine’s agent, and others, including Jenny Finch, and Clifton is trying to get Pavano to be responsible for his actions. Clifton is well respected in the business and if he can help turn around Pavano’s image and make Pavano an adult, that is major progress.

If Pavano can stop running into garbage trucks, maybe he’ll get his act together.

One other thing Rico, good job on the Knicks blog, and you must know that if anyone in this world needs structure. It’s Berman.

Brian is thankful I’m heading to the Yankees soon and I agree, it will be interesting to check in with Jeter and see what’s up with the whole A-Rod-Jeter situation.

The thingy thing I’m curious about is when they had their sleepovers, who wore the footie pajamas.

I think the whole Jeter-A-Rod thing is overblown. I’ve been in plenty of clubhouses where guys don’t have to be best friends to get the job done on the field. And sometimes, it’s better if you are not hanging out together.

Remember, this isn’t a Glory Days video where you go to some Roadside Bar to have a few beers with teammates.

It’s the majors, you got to get along but you don’t have to be best friends.

Hey, I love Springsteen, but what’s with that term “speedball’’. I could never get past that in Glory Days. Couldn’t he have just said fastball. BTW, last time I was in Yankeeland, got to hang with Bruce a few minutes. He was as cool as you would expect and didn’t even complain when his parking spot was over at the football stadium. He even remembered my name.

I hear he is going to be playing the Super Bowl next year. That’s a titanic upgrade from Prince. Sal, you’re right, I am hustling. That’s the only way to take care of business. And thanks to John and Antonio hustling over at Pro Wireless for getting me hooked up.

Here’s my question of the day. Should the Yankees put Phil Hughes in the rotation from the start. I think they should. What do you think?

Speaking of good guys: Happy Birthday Kevn Brown.

There I go again.